Friday, April 23, 2010

it's still the year of honesty

Remember when I started this thing how excited I was about this being the year of honesty? I've been thinking in the last week that it is time to reclaim that excitement. I feel as though I've lost some of that fervour I had before. Case in point, the very friend with whom I made the year of honesty pledge and I had a total year of honesty fail recently. We made plans to do something together, but as it got closer, we both got over it. The problem was, we didn't tell each other because we didn't want the other to be disappointed. We admitted to each other after the fact that we were over it before it happened and had to kind of laugh. We could have saved ourselves so much time, money, and energy by just being honest with each other.
See guys. Life is better when you're honest. I know that the two of us are now reconnecting with that feeling we had about the year of honesty in the beginning. I'm really happy about it. I think the two of us have both begun to see that having this commitment to being honest with others and ourselves is vital to the personal changes we're trying to make right now.
This will have implications for the ol' blog too. I'm going to start writing a little more directly about being honest. I want to do this on a regular basis. Maybe like twice a month or something, we'll see. Hopefully I'll start having success stories rather than year of honesty failures.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an excellent goal! I've only been following a short time, so I didn't realize that this was the theme. Terrific!
