Sunday, February 14, 2010

bitter, cynical, and single

Today is Valentine's Day. I honestly don't know if I've had one before to which I've paid less attention. It seems like people either get really excited for Valentine's Day, or they actively hate it. I feel neither of these things. I just... don't get into it.
I feel like complaining about Valentine's Day screams to the world, "I'm bitter, cynical, and single." While I may be single, I'm certainly not bitter about it. I'm in a good place right now. I just think that there is no meaning in Valentine's Day. Is it supposed to be a celebration of love? If that is the case we all do a terrible job of observing the holiday.
Romantic love is special and rare and exciting, but it certainly isn't the only kind of love in our lives. What about the love that we see and feel everyday, whether or not we have a significant other? I think that kind of love is at least equally important, if not more so. This is the love that gets us through the day. Where would any of us be without the love of friends and family? I think that the love in friendship is seriously under appreciated. When I think of my life, that friendly love has been at the heart of most of my happiest memories.
All of that being said, why is it that the single among us have to feel like we're getting the shaft every year when Valentine's Day rolls around? I think Valentine's Day has the potential to be a really great thing. It has the potential to be a beautiful celebration of love in all forms. Instead it is a celebration of flowers and candy. I say its time we take a stand. Let's take back the day. Let's really celebrate the love in our lives. I want Valentine's Day to be a day that brings people together rather than making people feel more alone than they really are. I want it to be a day that reminds people of the real role of love in their lives.


  1. Here is my married perspective on it...Valentines day is stupid..if you have to dedicate one day to showing someone how much you love them than you are doing something wrong. And amen about having lots of love in your life. Probably the stupidest holiday...It is to remind single people that they are single and to make those that are insecure in their relationships feel better about them...

  2. In Europe, I hear, Valentines Day is just that. Kinda cool. I like to think of it as love day. Happy Belated Love Day, Katie!

  3. Marcus, can we have a Love Day party next year? It will be a celebration of things we love. Oh the possibilities.
